The Refugee Project

This is an Interactive map that focus on the human aspect and  plight  of refugees around the world since 1975. 

Source: The Refugee Project,

Tulp Interactive

Below are three key projects, which I liked from Jan Willem Tulp. They have very strong contextual visual aesthetics and dynamic data interpretation.

The Economic Value Of Nature

The Economic Value Of Nature

The Global Council  Interlinkage

The Global Council  Interlinkage
The Global Council Interlinkage

The Close Votes – Netherlands 2012

The Close Votes
The Parliament Elections in Netherlands – 2012

insights from the above projects are:

  • a strong geographic cluster around a particular area
  • User interaction and engagement
  • Functionality, simplicity and  readability of text


Jan Williem Tulp:

2010|13:The Gun Deaths in USA

This a  real time  display of information about gun crime in USA, Excellent usage of text  font and colour  as well as visual representation of data.  Thus,  using user centered design  approach to  selecting the approximate information when required.

USA Gun Deaths in 2010/2013:

The SelfieCity Project

This  ‘Selfiecity’ project  investigating the style of self-portraits (selfies) in 5 cities across the world, artistic and representation:

  • People taking selfies, their poses and expressions.
  • Using  a rich media visualisation tool called “Imageplots”.
  • To assemble thousands of photos to reveal interesting patterns.
  • The functions of images in social media and dataset.

Selfiecity  Project (2014),  Avaialable: [ Accessed 17 Feb 2015]

Selfiecity Video Montage of 320 selfie images from five cities – Moritz Stefaner (2014) , 17 February 2014, Available: [ Accessed 17 Feb 2015]

Fantastic Infographics, drawn from a study of Instagram Selfies – Stinson, C. (2014). 20 February 2014. Available:  [Accessed 17 Feb 2015]


The 25 Biggest Turning Points In Earth’s History


The 25 Biggest Turning Points In Earth’s History 25  BBCEarth  (2015)  [BBC online]. Available:      [Accessed 14  February 2015]


What different sorting algorithms sound like

This particular audibilization is just one of many ways to generate sound from running sorting algorithms. Here on every comparison of two numbers (elements) I play (mixing) sin waves with frequencies modulated by values of these numbers. There are quite a few parameters that may drastically change resulting sound – I just chose parameteres that imo felt best.

What different sorting algorithms sound like – Andrut (2010) . Available:
[Accessed 12 February 2015]

Research, Review and Technology